July 24, 2012

Dr. Raquel Ontiveros Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Raquel Ontiveros’ life was cut short when she drowned after being caught in a rogue wave while on vacation in Mexico. During her lifetime, Raquel packed significant accomplishments and contributions to her community. These accomplishments included raising two sons, earning a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and an M.A. from Saginaw Valley State University, serving as principal at Jerome Elementary in Saginaw and teaching in the Saginaw Public Schools for many years. As an educator and administrator, Raquel stressed the importance of individuality and creativity.

Raquel was committed also to community service. She was appointed to the Hispanic Advisory Committee to the State Legislature in the early 1980s and also served on the Commission on Spanish Speaking Affairs for Michigan. Locally, she served on the boards of the Rape Crisis Center and Big Brothers/Big Sisters, among others.

Friends and family remember Raquel for her high energy, infectious enthusiasm and what one friend called her “90-kilowatt” smile. They established the Dr. Raquel Ontiveros Memorial Scholarship to help others attain their educational goals in Raquel’s memory.


  • Minimum 2.5 GPA
  • High school senior or college student with at least 1/4 Mexican American ancestry
  • Saginaw County resident
  • Pursuing a degree in education/teaching
  • Attending a Michigan college or university
  • Part-/full-time enrollment
  • Pursuing an undergraduate degree or Career and Technical Education (CTE) training

Evaluation Criteria

  • Special essay (30)
  • Financial need (25)
  • Scholastic record (20)
  • Overall involvement in community, school and work activities (15)
  • Awards and honors (10)

In the event of a tie, the student with the best essay will be awarded the scholarship

Special Attachment Required

 Please refer to the online scholarship application for more information